This application facilitates access to the Onisaúde platform where you can schedule appointments and book exams easily and at an affordable price.In addition to access to the best doctors and clinics, recipes, formulas, test orders and results, recommendations, medical records and much more.Onisaude is the examination and consultation platform provided by Oni Tecnologia e Serviços LTDA, a Brazilian healthtech founded in Goiânia, which works to provide technological, global and intelligent solutions that align the purposes and needs of the health ecosystem.The platform allows the scheduling of consultations and teleconsultations for various specialties and allows the contracting of clinical examinations that can be carried out by the Accredited network.------------CHARACTERISTICS:✓ SCHEDULING CONSULTATIONS:You schedule appointments or teleconsultations directly with your favorite doctor.✓ HIRING EXAMINATIONS:You can order the exams requested by your doctor who uses the platform or by doctors outside the platform.---------------Application references:✓ omni✓ omnisude✓ omni health✓ health✓ teleconsultation✓ telemedicine✓ exam✓ medical record✓ recipe✓ formula✓ result✓ favorite doctors✓ medicine